Topic 98: Lessons Learned from Failure
A1-A2 (Beginner-Elementary)
1. What does it mean to fail at something? Can you give a simple example of a failure?
2. Have you ever failed at something small, like a test or a game? What happened?
3. How did you feel when you failed? (For example: Were you sad, angry, or something else?)
4. What can you learn from making a mistake or failing at something?
5. Do you think it is okay to fail sometimes? Why or why not?
6. Who helps you when you fail at something? How do they help you feel better or improve?
7. Have you ever failed and then tried again? What happened the next time you tried?
8. Can failing at something make you stronger or better? How?
9. Do you know a famous person who failed many times before becoming successful? Who is it?
10. What is one lesson you have learned from a mistake or failure in your life?
11. Is it better to try and fail or not to try at all? Why do you think so?
12. How do you feel when you see someone else fail at something? Do you try to help them?
13. What would you say to a friend who is sad because they failed at something?
14. Do you know a famous person who failed before they became successful? Who is it?
15. Do you think failure is always bad, or can it sometimes be a good thing? Why?
16. Do you think failing can help you succeed in the future? Why or why not?
B1-B2 (Intermediate-Upper Intermediate)
17. How do you usually react when you fail at something?
18. Describe a time you failed at something. What lesson did you learn from that experience?
19. Why do you think failure can help a person grow or improve?
20. How do you motivate yourself to try again after a failure or setback?
21. Have you ever failed at something, then tried again and succeeded? What changed the second time?
22. How can failing at a task help you do better next time? Can you give an example of this?
23. Do you think you learn more from failure or from success? Why?
24. What are some benefits of failing early in life or in a career?
25. Does the fear of failure ever stop you from doing something? Can you give an example?
26. How can someone overcome the fear of failure and be more confident?
27. Is it better to try and fail or to not try at all? Why?
28. Do you think failure is necessary to achieve success? Why or why not?
29. Do you think parents and teachers should sometimes let children fail so they can learn important lessons? Why or why not?
30. How do you think society views people who fail? Do people usually get a second chance after failing?
31. What advice would you give to someone who feels like giving up after a recent failure?
32. Some people say “fail fast, fail often” to encourage innovation. What do you think this phrase means? Do you agree with it?
C1-C2 (Advanced-Proficient)
33. Describe a significant failure you have experienced. How did it impact you, and what did you do afterward?
34. How has your view of failure changed from when you were younger to now?
35. What do you think is the most valuable lesson failure has taught you?
36. Have you ever changed your goal or approach after a failure? What did you do differently the next time?
37. Do you believe that failure is a better teacher than success? Why or why not?
38. Some people say, “Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
39. How can repeated failures build resilience or character? Can you give an example?
40. Was there a time when failing at something led to an unexpected good outcome? (For example, a failure that later turned out to be the best thing for you.)
41. How do cultural attitudes toward failure differ, in your opinion? (For example, how might failure be viewed in your culture versus another culture?)
42. Do you think people should be more open about their failures (for instance, at work or on social media)? What are the pros and cons of sharing failures publicly?
43. Is it ethical to hide or cover up a failure to protect one’s reputation? Why or why not?
44. If you were in a leadership role (for example, a manager) and a project under your lead failed, how would you handle the situation? What would you say to your team?
45. What is the difference between failing at something and being a “failure” as a person? Why is it important to make this distinction?
46. How do you decide whether to keep trying or to give up when you have failed multiple times?
47. Discuss a famous case where failure led to a major success or breakthrough (for example, a scientist whose experiments failed many times before succeeding). What can we learn from that case?
48. If you could erase one failure from your past, would you do it, or would you keep it because of the lessons you learned? Explain your reasoning.
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