Topic 97: Legal Systems and Justice

A1-A2 (Beginner-Elementary)

1. What do the police do? (Describe the job of the police in your own words.)

2. Can you name one law in your country? What does it mean? (For example, a traffic law or a school rule.)

3. Why do we need laws? (Explain why society has laws or rules.)

4. What happens if someone breaks a law in your country? (Think about the usual consequence, like a fine or going to jail.)

5. Who makes the laws in your country? (Talk about who decides or creates the laws – for example, the government or parliament.)

6. Is it important to follow the law? Why or why not? (Share your opinion on obeying laws.)

7. Would you like to be a police officer or a judge? Why or why not? (Talk about whether you’d enjoy these jobs.)

8. Can you think of a rule at your school or home? Do you think it is fair? (Give an example of a rule and say if you find it fair.)

9. Do you think the law treats everyone the same in your country (for example, both rich and poor people)? Why or why not?

10. How do you feel when someone breaks a rule or law and is not punished? (Explain your feelings if you see someone not get in trouble for breaking rules.)

11. Should children learn about laws and rules at school? Why or why not? (Share if you think teaching kids about laws is a good idea.)

12. Is it ever okay to break a law if you think it is unfair? Why or why not? (Give your opinion on breaking an unjust law.)

13. What makes a law fair or unfair, in your opinion? (Explain how you decide if a law is just.)

14. Are there any laws in other countries that are different from those in your country? (If yes, give an example of a law elsewhere that surprised you.)

15. If you could create a new law for your country, what would it be? (Invent a law you think would improve society.)

16. Would you feel safe living in a place with no laws? Why or why not? (Imagine a town with no laws or rules and how you would feel there.)

B1-B2 (Intermediate-Upper Intermediate)

1. When you hear the word “justice,” what do you think of? (Share the ideas or images that come to mind when you think about justice.)

2. Do you think the legal system in your country is fair and just? Why or why not? (Give your opinion on how fair the courts and laws are in your country.)

3. Have you or someone you know ever had to go to court or deal with the police? What was the experience like? (Describe a real experience if possible, and how it felt.)

4. Do movies or TV shows about crime and court trials give a realistic picture of the legal system? (How might TV justice differ from real-life justice?)

5. What are some examples of minor crimes and serious crimes? How should the law treat minor crimes versus serious crimes?

6. Are punishments for crimes in your country generally fair? Can you think of an example when a punishment was too light or too harsh?

7. In your opinion, what is one of the most important laws in your country? Why is it important?

8. Is there a law in your country that you think is unnecessary or that you disagree with? Why? (Explain what the law is and your reasons.)

9. Do you think laws should change as society changes? (Can you give an example of a law that has changed or might need to change in the future?)

10. How are the laws in your country different from the laws in another country you know about? (Give an example of a difference between two legal systems.)

11. How do laws in your country protect people’s rights or freedoms? (For example, how do laws support freedom of speech, property rights, etc.?)

12. “No one is above the law” means the law should apply to everyone equally. Do you think this is true in your society? Why or why not?

13. Some countries have the death penalty (capital punishment) for serious crimes. Do you think this is a fair form of justice? Why or why not?

14. Should the justice system focus more on punishing criminals or on rehabilitating them (helping them become better citizens)? (Explain your view and reasoning.)

15. If you were accused of a crime you didn’t commit, would you trust the legal system to prove your innocence? Why or why not?

16. If a person steals food because their family is starving, should they be punished according to the law, or should they be shown mercy? (What do you think is the just outcome, and why?)

C1-C2 (Advanced-Proficient)

1. What does “justice” mean to you, and do you think it always corresponds to the law? (In other words, can something be legal but still unjust?)

2. How do cultural or religious values influence the laws in a society? (Can you give an example of a law that reflects a culture’s particular values or beliefs?)

3. Do you think the idea of justice is universal, or does it vary between different cultures and societies? (Explain your reasoning and maybe give examples.)

4. What role do socio-economic factors (like wealth, education, or social status) play in a person’s access to justice? (In reality, does everyone get equal treatment under the law?)

5. Can you think of a law from history or recent times that was changed or removed because it was considered unjust? (What was the law, and what led to that change?)

6. Different countries use different legal systems (for example, common law vs. civil law, or secular law vs. religious law). What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of one system over another?

7. What should happen when a law conflicts with an individual’s personal morals or religious beliefs? (For instance, if someone refuses to obey a law because they sincerely believe it is morally wrong.)

8. What are your thoughts on “restorative justice,” which focuses on repairing harm and reconciliation instead of just punishment? (In what situations might restorative justice be more effective than traditional punishment?)

9. Sometimes people resort to vigilante justice, taking the law into their own hands when they feel the legal system has failed. Do you think vigilante action can ever be justified, or is it always dangerous and wrong?

10. How is modern technology (such as surveillance cameras, facial recognition, or AI in legal decisions) affecting justice and law enforcement? (What ethical issues do these technologies raise for society?)

11. In a legal system, is it better to strictly follow the written laws, or to allow judges more flexibility to decide what is fair in each case? (Discuss the pros and cons of strict rules vs. judicial discretion.)

12. How effective is international justice (for example, international courts for war crimes or human rights cases) in holding people accountable across borders? (What challenges does international law face in delivering justice?)

13. Do you think a community can maintain order and justice without a formal legal system? (Consider small communities or societies that use traditions or informal agreements—why might this work or not work?)

14. What impact do media coverage and public opinion have on court cases and the process of justice? (Do you think extensive media attention helps ensure justice is done, or can it interfere with fair outcomes?)

15. In common law systems, judges often follow precedents (past decisions) to make rulings. Do you believe using precedent ensures fairness and consistency, or could it keep the law stuck in the past and hinder justice in some cases?

16. In your view, what is the biggest challenge for legal systems today in achieving true justice, and how might we address this challenge?