Topic 83: Investing and Financial Growth

A1 - A2 (Beginner - Elementary)

1. What is investing?

2. Do you think saving money is important? Why?

3. What do you do with your money to make it grow?

4. Have you ever heard of the stock market? What do you think it is?

5. Do you think it’s a good idea to put your money in a bank? Why?

6. What is the difference between saving and investing?

7. Do you think young people should start investing early? Why or why not?

8. What is a good way to save money for the future?

9. Do you think you can make money by buying and selling things? How?

10. What is the best way to use your money to make more money?

11. Have you ever heard about cryptocurrency? What do you think about it?

12. Do you think it’s good to invest in things like real estate or stocks?

13. How do you feel when you spend money on something you want?

14. Do you think people should be careful with their money? Why?

15. How can people learn about money and investing?

16. If you had a large amount of money, what would you invest in?

B1 - B2 (Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate)

17. What are the benefits of investing in the stock market?

18. What are the risks of investing in stocks?

19. How do people choose which stocks or assets to invest in?

20. Do you think it’s better to save money or invest it? Why?

21. How does inflation affect your money and investments?

22. What is the difference between short-term and long-term investments?

23. What are bonds, and why do people invest in them?

24. How does investing in real estate work?

25. How can you diversify your investments to reduce risk?

26. What is a financial portfolio, and why is it important?

27. Should young people invest in their retirement early? Why or why not?

28. How do interest rates affect investments?

29. How can economic events affect the financial market?

30. What is a mutual fund, and why might people invest in one?

31. Should people invest in things they know well, or take risks? Why?

32. How can people learn to manage their personal finances better?

C1 - C2 (Advanced - Proficient)

33. What are the key factors that influence the stock market?

34. How does diversification protect your investments from risk?

35. What role does risk tolerance play in investment decisions?

36. How can economic cycles (boom and bust) affect investment strategies?

37. What are the advantages of passive investing versus active investing?

38. How do behavioral biases influence investment decisions?

39. What is the role of financial advisors in helping people with investments?

40. How can global events (such as political instability) impact financial growth?

41. Should the government regulate the stock market more strictly? Why or why not?

42. How does cryptocurrency impact the future of traditional investments?

43. What are the ethical considerations when making investment choices?

44. How can investors balance their portfolios to achieve both growth and stability?

45. How does the concept of compound interest benefit long-term investors?

46. What are the differences between value investing and growth investing?

47. How can personal financial planning contribute to wealth creation?

48. If you could create an investment strategy for the future, what would it include?