Topic 72: Human Nature and Psychology

A1 - A2 (Beginner - Elementary)

1. What do you think human nature means?

2. Do you think people are naturally kind or selfish? Why?

3. What makes you feel happy?

4. What are some common human emotions?

5. Do you like to be alone sometimes? Why or why not?

6. How do you feel when you help someone?

7. What makes people feel angry?

8. How do people show love and care for each other?

9. Why do people sometimes feel nervous?

10. Do you think people are born with their personality, or does it change?

11. What makes people trust others?

12. How do people react when they are scared?

13. Do you think animals have emotions like humans? Why or why not?

14. How do children and adults think differently?

15. What are some things that all humans have in common?

16. If you could understand how the human mind works, what would you like to know?

B1 - B2 (Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate)

17. What are the key differences between human nature and learned behavior?

18. How do emotions affect decision-making?

19. What are some psychological tricks that people use to influence others?

20. How does childhood shape a person’s personality?

21. Why do people sometimes act differently in groups than when they are alone?

22. What is the difference between intelligence and emotional intelligence?

23. How do people develop habits, and why are they hard to break?

24. How does fear influence human behavior?

25. What are the main causes of stress in modern life?

26. How does culture influence human behavior?

27. What is the difference between introverts and extroverts?

28. How does the brain process emotions?

29. Do you think people can really change their personalities? Why or why not?

30. What makes some people more optimistic than others?

31. How do social norms affect the way people behave?

32. What are the most common psychological biases that people have?

C1 - C2 (Advanced - Proficient)

33. How does nature vs. nurture debate influence modern psychology?

34. What is the role of the subconscious mind in human behavior?

35. How do psychological disorders challenge the idea of free will?

36. What are the ethical concerns in psychological research?

37. How does cognitive bias affect critical thinking?

38. What are the psychological roots of prejudice and discrimination?

39. How does the concept of self-identity shape human behavior?

40. How do different cultures interpret and express emotions?

41. What role does dopamine play in motivation and pleasure?

42. How does trauma affect the human brain and behavior?

43. Can people truly be selfless, or is every action driven by self-interest?

44. How do people rationalize unethical behavior?

45. What are the long-term effects of chronic stress on the brain?

46. How do evolutionary psychology and social psychology explain human behavior?

47. If you could fully understand human nature, how would that change society?

48. How does artificial intelligence challenge our understanding of human intelligence?