Topic 6: Animals and Pets

A1 - A2 (Beginner - Elementary)

1. Do you have a pet? What kind of pet is it?

2. What is your favorite animal? Why?

3. Do you like dogs or cats more? Why?

4. Have you ever visited a zoo? What animals did you see?

5. Would you like to have a pet? Which one?

6. What do pets need to be happy?

7. Can animals feel emotions like humans?

8. Have you ever seen a wild animal? Where?

9. What sound does your favorite animal make?

10. Do you think animals understand humans? Why or why not?

11. Would you like to ride a horse? Why?

12. What is the funniest animal you know?

13. Have you ever been scared of an animal? Which one?

14. What do animals eat? Name some foods.

15. What is the best pet for a child? Why?

16. Do you like watching animal videos? Why or why not?

B1 - B2 (Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate)

17. Why do people keep pets?

18. What are the benefits of having a pet?

19. How do pets help people with stress?

20. What are some common responsibilities of pet owners?

21. What is the most intelligent animal? Why?

22. How do animals help humans in daily life?

23. Should people adopt pets instead of buying them? Why?

24. Have you ever had an unusual pet? What was it like?

25. What animals are endangered? How can we protect them?

26. How do pets improve people’s mental health?

27. Do you think animals have personalities? Why or why not?

28. Should wild animals be kept in zoos? Why or why not?

29. What are some traditional beliefs about animals in your culture?

30. How do service animals help people with disabilities?

31. What are some challenges of having a pet?

32. How do you feel about animal testing in science?

C1 - C2 (Advanced - Proficient)

33. Should humans give animals the same rights as people? Why or why not?

34. How do different cultures treat animals?

35. What is the role of animals in ancient myths and religions?

36. How has domestication changed animals over time?

37. Should animal circuses and performances be banned? Why?

38. Do you think animals can communicate with each other in complex ways?

39. Should we spend more money on saving endangered species? Why?

40. How do human activities affect animal habitats?

41. What ethical dilemmas exist in owning exotic pets?

42. What role do animals play in the medical field?

43. How do you feel about using animals in entertainment (e.g., movies, sports)?

44. Should we use genetic engineering to bring back extinct animals?

45. What would happen if all humans became vegetarians?

46. How can people be more responsible pet owners?

47. How do animals help in therapy and emotional support?

48. What is the most fascinating animal fact you know?