Topic 55: Generational Differences

A1 - A2 (Beginner - Elementary)

1. What is a generation?

2. How old are your grandparents?

3. What is something young people like but older people don’t?

4. How do young people and old people spend their free time differently?

5. Do you think older people understand technology? Why or why not?

6. What do you talk about with your grandparents?

7. What is one thing you have learned from an older person?

8. Do you think young people today are different from young people in the past?

9. How do children today play differently from children in the past?

10. Do you like talking to older people? Why or why not?

11. What kind of music do older people like? What about young people?

12. Do young and old people have different views about money? How?

13. What is something that older people are better at than young people?

14. How do young people and older people dress differently?

15. What are the advantages of being young? What about being old?

16. If you could give advice to an older person, what would it be?

B1 - B2 (Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate)

17. How do different generations communicate differently?

18. What are some common misunderstandings between young and old people?

19. How do older generations view technology compared to younger generations?

20. What is the biggest difference between your parents’ generation and yours?

21. Do you think younger generations have an easier or harder life than older generations? Why?

22. How do work values differ between generations?

23. Should young people always respect older people? Why or why not?

24. How do different generations view relationships and marriage?

25. What can young people learn from older generations?

26. What can older people learn from younger generations?

27. How do social values change from one generation to another?

28. Should older people try to keep up with new trends? Why or why not?

29. Do you think there is a “generation gap” in your family? Why or why not?

30. How do different generations view success?

31. Why do older people often say, “Things were better in the past”? Do you agree?

32. Do you think younger generations are more open-minded than older generations? Why?

C1 - C2 (Advanced - Proficient)

33. How does generational conflict affect society?

34. What are the major social and political differences between generations?

35. How does economic opportunity change from one generation to another?

36. Should retirement age be raised due to longer life expectancy? Why or why not?

37. How do different generations define happiness?

38. What are the ethical concerns about generational wealth and inheritance?

39. How do environmental views differ between young and old people?

40. Should governments create policies that favor younger generations? Why or why not?

41. How do changing gender roles reflect generational shifts?

42. Should older people have more influence in politics than younger people? Why or why not?

43. What is the impact of globalization on generational identity?

44. How do different generations approach mental health?

45. What role does nostalgia play in generational attitudes?

46. Do older generations have a responsibility to support younger generations financially?

47. How will the next generation be different from today’s youth?

48. If you could live in any past generation, which one would you choose and why?