Topic 39: Ethics and Morality
A1 - A2 (Beginner - Elementary)
1. What is the difference between right and wrong?
2. Do you think telling the truth is always good? Why or why not?
3. Have you ever had to make a difficult decision? What was it?
4. What do you think makes a person “good”?
5. Should people always follow the rules? Why or why not?
6. What is an example of a kind action?
7. Do you think stealing is always wrong? Why?
8. How do you feel when someone is unfair?
9. What would you do if you found a lost wallet?
10. Is it okay to lie to protect someone’s feelings? Why or why not?
11. Have you ever helped someone in need? How did you feel?
12. Do you think people should always say “sorry” when they make a mistake?
13. Should children be rewarded for good behavior? Why or why not?
14. Do you think everyone should be treated equally? Why?
15. What is one thing people should never do?
16. How can people show respect to others?
B1 - B2 (Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate)
17. What is the difference between ethics and morality?
18. How do cultural differences affect moral values?
19. Should people always follow their personal beliefs, even if society disagrees? Why or why not?
20. What are some common ethical dilemmas people face?
21. How do ethics affect business decisions?
22. Should rich people help the poor? Why or why not?
23. Do you think the end justifies the means? Why or why not?
24. How does religion influence moral values?
25. Should governments make laws based on morality? Why or why not?
26. How do media and social networks affect people’s moral values?
27. What are some ethical issues in modern technology?
28. How do you know if something is morally right or wrong?
29. Should people be punished for actions that were legal in the past but are now illegal? Why or why not?
30. Is it okay to break a law if it is unfair? Why or why not?
31. Should companies be responsible for ethical behavior, or is it only about making profit?
32. How does peer pressure affect moral decision-making?
C1 - C2 (Advanced - Proficient)
33. How do different philosophical theories define morality?
34. Is morality absolute, or does it depend on culture and situation?
35. What are the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence?
36. Should people always act based on logic or emotions? Why?
37. How does power influence ethical decision-making?
38. What role does conscience play in moral decision-making?
39. How do ethics shape international relations and diplomacy?
40. Should morality be taught in schools? Why or why not?
41. How do moral values change over time?
42. What is the impact of ethical consumerism on society?
43. Can morality exist without religion? Why or why not?
44. Should scientific research have moral limits? Why?
45. How do ethical concerns shape medical and healthcare policies?
46. Should there be universal human rights, or should laws be based on local cultures? Why?
47. What are the ethical implications of genetic engineering and cloning?
48. If you had to create a universal moral rule, what would it be and why?
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