Topic 195: Wealth and Social Class

A1-A2 (Beginner-Elementary)

1. What does wealth mean?

2. What is social class?

3. Can you name some things that wealthy people can buy that others cannot?

4. How does wealth affect people’s lives?

5. What does it mean to be rich?

6. How do you think people in different social classes live?

7. What is the difference between the poor and the rich?

8. Do you think everyone should have the same amount of money? Why or why not?

9. Why do some people have more money than others?

10. How do wealthy people spend their money differently from people with less money?

11. What are some things that poor people might need that the wealthy do not?

12. How can social class affect the education you can receive?

13. Do you think social class can affect your opportunities in life? Why or why not?

14. What kinds of jobs do people in different social classes have?

15. What are some challenges that people in lower social classes face?

16. Do you think being rich makes people happy? Why or why not?

B1-B2 (Intermediate-Upper Intermediate)

17. How does wealth affect people’s access to healthcare and education?

18. What role does social class play in shaping a person’s opportunities and life choices?

19. What are some benefits and challenges of being wealthy?

20. How does social class influence the way people are treated in society?

21. What are the differences between the middle class and the upper class?

22. How does wealth affect someone’s ability to travel or explore the world?

23. What are the social consequences of wealth inequality in modern societies?

24. Why do some people believe wealth and success should be more evenly distributed?

25. How do you think social class influences people’s values and lifestyles?

26. How do people in the middle class or lower class typically view wealth?

27. What kind of impact does social class have on the housing options available to people?

28. How can someone change their social class? What challenges would they face?

29. Why do people from wealthy backgrounds often have more career opportunities than others?

30. How do social class and wealth affect people’s ability to influence politics or public decisions?

31. What role does inheritance play in determining social class and wealth?

32. Do you think wealth is more important than social class? Why or why not?

C1-C2 (Advanced-Proficient)

33. How does the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few impact democracy and social mobility?

34. How do the concepts of wealth and social class influence global inequality and development?

35. What is the relationship between wealth and power, and how does this affect social dynamics?

36. What are the psychological and social effects of growing up in a wealthy or disadvantaged family?

37. How does wealth affect an individual’s access to opportunities and quality of life?

38. How do wealth and social class shape an individual’s identity and social interactions?

39. What role does social class play in access to technology and digital resources in the modern world?

40. How can wealth be used as a tool for social change and philanthropy?

41. What are the ethical considerations of the disparity in wealth and social class in modern economies?

42. How do societal values and cultural beliefs around wealth influence economic systems and policies?

43. How does the concept of “the American Dream” (or similar concepts in other countries) relate to wealth and social class?

44. What are the implications of wealth inequality on healthcare systems and public services?

45. How does access to education and wealth affect generational social mobility?

46. How can policies like progressive taxation or universal basic income address wealth inequality and class divisions?

47. How does social class affect cultural capital, such as access to education, social networks, and cultural knowledge?

48. What is the future of wealth and social class in the era of automation, AI, and technological innovation?